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Vapour Block

Drain sealer that prevents sewer gas odors and dry traps

This citrus-based drain sealer stops sewer gas odors and blocks insects from entering dry P-traps, ideal for infrequently used areas like cottages and cabins. It forms a vapor barrier that reduces water evaporation in both P-traps and sewer drains, even without a P-trap.

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How to keep drain traps from drying out?

This easy-to-use floor drain odor stopper eliminates sewer gas smell by creating a vapor barrier on top of the water in the P-trap reducing the water's evaporation rate.

Product Information

What causes the sewer gas smell from floor drains in buildings?

This is usually caused by dry P-Traps. When a drain's P-Trap is functioning correctly it acts as a seal preventing odors and/or potentially explosive methane gases from entering rooms through the drains.

P-Traps typically dry out in remote areas where there is no trap seal primer or it is not functioning correctly. Without a constant supply of water, a P-Trap will eventually dry out leaving the drain fully exposed. 

Trap seal primers are designed to provide a supply of water to replenish P-Trap for drains located in infrequently used areas. In some cases, they are a small piece of tubing which feeds water to the P-Trap when a sink is used or a toilet is flushed.

Without a properly functioning trap seal primer, maintenance personnel has to feed water manually every week or so to prevent the drain trap from drying out.

Drain sealer prevent p-traps drains from drying insects

How to keep drain traps from drying out and avoid sewer gas smells?

Vapour Block is easy to use and seals in the water located in P-Traps by creating an evaporation-resistant floating seal that lasts for extended periods of time. Depending on the humidity level, Vapour Block can last 6 months or more, greatly reducing the amount of maintenance required.

Prevents sewer gas smells emanating from floor drains by sealing in the water located in P-traps.

Why use a floor drain sealer?

  • Stops sewer gas odors
  • For use on drains with no working primer
  • Will not freeze, great for winterizing drains in seasonal cabins, cottages and country homes
  • Has a nice natural citrus formula
  • Slow evaporation rate keeps your traps sealed for a long time
  • Creates a seal in the P-Trap of the drain preventing the water seal from evaporating
  • Reduce maintenance in areas not being used frequently

How to apply it to dry drain traps

For initial treatment:

  • Add sufficient water to fill the P-trap.
  • Then add 16oz - 32oz (1L) of Vapour Block directly into the drain to seal in odors and prevent evaporation.

Recommendation for regular maintenance:

2" drains 16 oz
4"+ drains 32 oz
6"+ drains 4 L (1 gallon)

Repeat the above treatment when necessary.

Read more about VapourBlock in this blog article: Stop drain P-Traps from drying out and eliminate sewer gas odors

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Evaluated

Reviews (1) Ratings

Joshua 1 reviews

Thank you. It saved me a great time to get back and forth to fill the water seal in floor drains too frequently. Now I can take my time to focus on other operating and maintenance jobs.

Vapour Block

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Questions & Answers (3) Questions

Q: We would like to know what happens when the shower is used, does it just flush out the Vapour Block and then we'd have to refill it after every use? Please let us know, we've seen your youtube video and others are asking the same question: how long does it last IF the shower is used? THANK YOU.

A: Vapour Block is only for drains that are not frequently used. Vapour Block prevents the p-trap from drying out, stopping sewer gas smells. If you are using the shower every day then there should not be any smells coming from the p-trap in that drain since you have water going into it every day. If you are still getting smells in that shower drain then you likely have a different issue. And yes, it will wash away when you add a substantial supply of water to a drain that has been treated. Hope this helps.

Q: How long would Vapour Block keep a 4" drain from drying out? How about a 2" drain?

A: In any drain diameter, Vapour Block can last for months depending on the humidity in the room.

Q: My floor drain in the basement may be dried out, we have a metallic odour in the air. I have already put 2 cups of water in. the drain and a cup of javex, can I still add the Your vapour block to the drain?

A: Yes, VapourBlock is ideal for this application. I would pour a few buckets of water down the drain before adding VapourBlock to get rid of the Javex. VapourBlock will prevent the drain from drying out and stop those odors.

Vapour Block

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