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CGTC 7150

Citrus Based Solvent Emulsifier for Grease Traps & Sump Pits

CGTC is designed to be used in systems that have been neglected and have an accumulation of fats, oils & greases (F.O.G.s). This can be a one-time or an ongoing application. Apply before the startup of an ongoing automated or manual maintenance program.

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Product Information

If your facility has been closed down for a while your traps (or sump pits) are probably in pretty rough shape with grease or sludge that has solidified over months and horrible smells. CGTC 7150 is a grease emulsifier designed specifically for grease traps large and small. It will break down the grease and greatly aid in the cleaning process. This is step one in getting things back up and running again. Do this before or after pumping out or any other maintenance program.

CGTC7150 will break down heavy grease and deposit build-ups that may have accumulated over time by emulsifying grease and allowing it to be cleaned out.

  • Brings your trap back to its original condition.
  • Use at the beginning of your maintenance cycle.
  • Powerful solvent emulsifies grease accumulations.
  • Non-corrosive, safe to use on all drains.
  • Citrus scent makes it pleasant to work within a busy kitchen area.

How to Use

  1. Initial Cleanse with CGTC 7150:

    Apply an initial dose of CGTC 7150 directly to the affected grease traps or sump pits. This step dissolves hardened grease, tackles blockages, and eliminates odors.

  2. Install the Pump System:

    Set up the CGTC 7150 pump system following the initial cleanse to maintain cleanliness and efficiency over time.

  3. Regular Maintenance:

    Use the pump system to add CGTC 7150 at regular intervals. Continuous maintenance prevents future buildups and ensures smooth operation.

  4. Enjoy an Odor-Free, Efficient System:

    Maintain a clean, efficient, and odor-free operation by following these steps, protecting your system against fats, oils, and greases.

Also available as a Starter Kit with pump.

Grease trap Sump Pit Grease Cleaning Automated System

Before and After

grease trap cleaning treatment before and after

Typical Installations

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Evaluated;

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Questions & Answers (1) Questions

Q: Hi I'm from malaysia sabah , I need to clean my kitchen grease trap. Is very hard surface already and it full of fly worm... I need help ..

A: Good afternoon Sabah,
Our specially formulated CGTC 7150 will emulsify the grease build up and kill all fly worms. This can be bought directly from our website.

CGTC 7150

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