plaster traps

Plaster Traps

Plaster trap installations are typically found in a hospital's orthotics and prosthetics department, veterinary practices, dental practices, laboratories and at home or professional art studios. Wherever there are sediments being flushed down a sink or drain hopefully a plaster trap has been correctly installed to avoid serious plumbing problems. If your plaster trap has a musty odor and you are experiencing slow-running drains or blockages then the following products should be on your radar?

We offer 2 products to help you have the cleanest plaster traps and drains in town.

Odor Treatment "Green" Drain Maintainer

Kleenout - An economical solution for treating odors.

Liquiflo - A non-acid drain maintainer. For on-going maintenance. 


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Fumeless, Alkaline Drain Opener & Maintainer that removes and prevents BioFilms.

A powerful, highly concentrated, ready-to-use, alkaline drain opener and maintainer. Used to …

Floating Citrus Based Degreaser & Deodorizer for Plaster Traps

An HD treatment for plaster traps. Creates pleasant citrus smelling floating blanket …

Heavy Duty Plaster Dissolver

A heavy duty solution for quickly restoring your plaster traps and drains …

Citrus Deodorizer & Degreaser for Drains and Plaster Traps

Kleenout is an industrial strength treatment specifically designed for treating the foul …

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