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Molycon Plus

Extreme Pressure Water Resistant Molybdenum Grease

A special Molybdenum Disulphide heavy duty and extreme pressure grease providing reduced wear and increased load carrying capabilities.

Product Information

Engineered to meet the rigorous demands of the railroad wheel and track sector, automotive, construction, mining, marine, power generation, paper mills, steel mills, and ore processing industries.

MolyCon Plus is an Extreme Pressure, often called "EP" grease that is also water resistant. It has been specifically formulated for lubricating machine components operating in harsh environments characterized by heavy shock loading and elevated pressures, and it is especially effective for marine applications.

In such demanding conditions, conventional non-EP greases fall short as they cannot establish an effective lubrication film between the machine's surfaces. Conversely, EP greases consistently deliver a protective lubricating layer even under high-pressure circumstances, effectively minimizing machine wear and enhancing overall performance.

railroad wheel and track grease

  • Extreme Pressure capability 225,000 P.S.I
  • High water resistance
  • Wide operating temperature range -35°C to +150°C ( -30°F to 300°F)
  • Excellent for high moisture environments
  • Superior adhesion & cohesion capabilities
  • Outstanding rust and oxidation resistance
  • Superior Extreme Pressure Performance
  • Contains Molybdenum Disulphide for Reduced Wear on All Parts
  • High Water Resistance - Excellent for High Moisture Environments
  • Wide Operating Temperature Range -30°C to 200° (-20°F to 400°F)
  • Outstanding Rust and Oxidation Resistance Handles up to 225,000 PSI
  • Excellent Adhesion and Cohesion - No Run-Off or Spatter
  • Thermal Stability - No Breakdown in Severe Weather
  • Anti-Wear Characteristics - Load Wear Index 56
  • Exceeds AAR-M-929-04 requirements for lubricant on trailer hitches on flatcars

For use on: Ball and roller bearings, sliding surfaces, industrial equipment, wheel bearings, sleeve bearings and chassis. 

A special Molybdenum Disulphide heavy duty and extreme pressure grease providing reduced wear and increased load carrying capabilities


Colour: Grey/Black
NLGI Grade: 2
Timken Load: 50 pounds,
Effective Temperature Range: -30°C to 200° (-20°F to 400°F)
Dropping Point: 350°F/177°C (-28°C to 204°C)
Viscosity Index: 95
​Flash Point: 400°F / 205°C

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