5 in 1

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5 in 1

Protect live electrical devices from moisture. Penetrates lubricates and prevents rust on metal.

Protect your electrical equipment from moisture exposure. An all purpose, non-flammable, non-conductive mechanical & electrical spray. Displaces moisture in wet electrical systems. Penetrates through rust and corrosion to loosen frozen nuts and bolts. Leaves treated surfaces protected with a residual anti-corrosive film and lubricant. Can be used directly on live electrical equipment.

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Live light socket in the fish-tank trick!

Watch how the amazing 5 in 1 can displace water from a live electrical socket and lubricate as well. This is amazing. Imagine how well it will protect your electrical devices from moisture! Oh no! Don't put your finger in there! Arggghhhh...

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Product Information

Our best all-purpose spray not only displaces moisture but takes the place of water. This avoids any damage to live electrical devices exposed to water or moisture. It creates a high dielectric film barrier through which electricity can’t conduct. Though the "WD" in WD-40 stands for "Water Displacement", it is a very poor water displacement solution compared to 5 in 1. If you take a Styrofoam cup of water and spray 5 in 1 into it, it will quickly move to the bottom of the cup whereas WD-40 will remain floating on top. Being a penetrating lubricant, it can be used as a rust preventative spray to prevent corrosion. Finally, this lubricating oil is non-evaporating, meaning that it will offer protection over a long period of time and not leave any residue.

corroded nuts and bolts

  • Demoisturizes and creates a waterproof film to inhibit corrosion and electrical discharge.
  • Protect parts against atmospheric and chemical corrosion by creating a non-drying film
  • 38,000 volt dielectric strength allows it to be sprayed on live equipment
  • Eliminates moisture, the cause of equipment failure saving production downtime & costs
  • Non-flammable non-chlorinated
  • Provides long-lasting lubrication reducing friction and will not become dry or brittle
  • Safe on plastic, rubber and paint
  • Protects without attracting dust
  • Meets Military Spec.C-23411

Read more on our blog article Protect Your Live Electrical Devices From Moisture

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Evaluated


Moisture Displacing Features

Brodi moisture and rust prevention demonstration


Brodi 5 in 1 - Spray on louvres door knobs wheels castors rusted valves wheel chairs

For Use On

Metal Protection


Frozen nuts & bolts

Squeaky Door Hinges


Rusty Clamps

Protect Car Engines

Protect Boat motors

Live Light Bulbs and fixtures



Maintain and Protect Tools

Rust Prevention

Engine Parts




Starter Motors


Marine Equipment

Wiring Exposed to Moisture

Service panels




Reviews (1) Ratings

Bob Darkson 1 reviews

Used for railway swtiches

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Q: Do you ship to California

A: Yes. Orders usually leave our warehouse daily or next day.

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