Category Archives: HVAC Solutions

How to Choose the Best Air-Conditioner Coil Cleaner: A Buyer’s Guide

In the sweltering heat of summer or the biting cold of winter, your indoor air conditioner becomes a sanctuary, ensuring your home is a comfortable haven. Behind the scenes, a crucial component works tirelessly to maintain that comfort: the air-conditioner coil. Over time, these coils accumulate dirt, dust, and debris, leading to reduced efficiency and potentially higher energy bills. Regular cleaning is essential to keep your AC unit running smoothly, and choosing the right coil cleaner is paramount to the process. In this comprehensive buyer’s guide, we’ll navigate the maze of options and provide you with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision.

Understanding the Importance of Clean Air-Conditioner Coils

Before delving into the specifics of coil cleaners, it’s essential to understand why clean coils are vital for your AC unit’s performance. Air-conditioner coils are responsible for exchanging heat, enabling your system to cool or heat the air effectively. When these coils are clogged with dirt and debris, their efficiency diminishes. This inefficiency can lead to:

  • Higher Energy Bills: A clogged coil forces your AC unit to work harder to achieve the desired temperature, leading to increased energy consumption.
  • Reduced Lifespan: The strain caused by dirty coils can lead to wear and tear on the entire system, potentially shortening its lifespan.
  • Poor Indoor Air Quality: Dirty coils can circulate allergens and pollutants throughout your home, degrading your indoor air quality.

Given these consequences, investing in a high-quality air-conditioner coil cleaner is a wise decision for both your wallet and your health.

Types of Air-Conditioner Coil Cleaners

1. AC Coil Cleaner Indoor:

Specifically designed for indoor units, these cleaners are formulated to remove indoor pollutants, mold, and mildew that can accumulate on the coils.

2. Coil Cleaner No Rinse:

No-rinse coil cleaners are convenient solutions that don’t require washing the coils after application. They are ideal for quick and easy cleaning.

3. Coil Cleaner Window Air Conditioner:

Window AC units have coils that are exposed to outdoor elements. Coil cleaners designed for window air conditioners are robust enough to tackle outdoor debris and pollutants.

4. Coil Cleaner Nu-Calgon:

Nu-Calgon is a reputable brand known for its high-quality coil cleaners. Products from this brand are often trusted by professionals for their effectiveness.

5. Coil Cleaner Evaporator:

Evaporator coils are prone to mold growth due to their damp environment. Evaporator coil cleaners are specifically formulated to tackle mold and mildew.

6. Coil Cleaner Condenser:

Condenser coils are located in the outdoor unit and are exposed to various environmental elements. Condenser coil cleaners are heavy-duty solutions designed to remove stubborn dirt and debris.

Reasons to Clean Air Conditioner Units with Coil Cleaner

Air conditioners have become an indispensable part of modern living, ensuring our homes remain comfortable throughout the changing seasons. However, just like any other appliance, air conditioners require regular maintenance to function efficiently. One of the most critical aspects of AC maintenance is cleaning the coils using a dedicated air-conditioner coil cleaner. Here are compelling reasons why regular coil cleaning is essential for your air conditioner unit:

1. Enhanced Energy Efficiency:

Over time, dirt, dust, and debris accumulate on the coils, hindering the heat exchange process. When the coils are clean, they can absorb and release heat more effectively. This means your AC unit doesn’t have to work as hard to cool or heat the air, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

2. Extended Lifespan:

A well-maintained air conditioner lasts longer. When coils are clean and free from obstructions, the entire system experiences less strain. This reduced workload can significantly extend the lifespan of your AC unit, saving you money on premature replacements or expensive repairs.

3. Improved Indoor Air Quality:

Dirty coils can become a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms. When the AC is running, these contaminants can be circulated throughout your home, leading to poor indoor air quality. Regular coil cleaning with a suitable cleaner eliminates these health hazards, ensuring the air you breathe is clean and healthy.

4. Prevention of Costly Repairs:

Neglecting coil cleaning can lead to various issues, such as frozen coils and compressor failures. These problems often require costly repairs and can disrupt your home comfort, especially during extreme weather conditions. Regular cleaning with a coil cleaner can prevent such issues, saving you from unexpected repair expenses.

5. Consistent Performance:

Clean coils contribute to consistent and reliable AC performance. When your air conditioner is well-maintained, it can maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level in your home. This consistency ensures your comfort, especially during scorching summers or chilly winters.

6. Reduction in Allergens and Irritants:

Pollen, dust mites, and other allergens can accumulate on dirty coils. When the AC is turned on, these particles can be circulated in the air, triggering allergies and respiratory issues, especially in sensitive individuals. Regular cleaning eliminates these allergens, creating a healthier environment for you and your family.

7. Compliance with Manufacturer’s Warranty:

Many air conditioner manufacturers include regular maintenance, including coil cleaning, as a requirement for warranty coverage. By adhering to the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines, you ensure that your unit remains eligible for warranty-related repairs or replacements, offering valuable peace of mind.

8. Sustainable Living:

Clean coils contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. An efficiently running AC unit consumes less energy, reducing your overall carbon footprint. By maintaining your air conditioner with regular coil cleaning, you’re actively contributing to environmental conservation efforts.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Air-Conditioner Coil Cleaner

1. Type of AC Unit:

Consider the type of air conditioner you have, whether it’s a central AC system, window unit, or a split system. Different units may require specific types of coil cleaners.

2. Coil Material:

Coils can be made from copper, aluminum, or other materials. Some cleaners are formulated for specific coil materials, ensuring safe and effective cleaning.

3. Ease of Application:

Look for coil cleaners that come with easy-to-follow instructions and user-friendly application methods. This is especially important for DIY enthusiasts who want hassle-free cleaning.

4. Rinsing Requirements:

Determine whether you prefer a no-rinse formula for quick cleaning or if you’re willing to rinse the coils after applying the cleaner. No-rinse options save time and effort.

5. Environmental Considerations:

If you’re environmentally conscious, opt for coil cleaners that are biodegradable and eco-friendly. These options minimize your environmental impact while ensuring a clean system.

6. Brand Reputation:

Research reputable brands like Nu-Calgon and other established names in the HVAC industry. Reliable brands often provide high-quality products and comprehensive customer support.

7. Budget:

Consider your budgetary constraints. While it’s tempting to choose the cheapest option, investing in a slightly more expensive, high-quality cleaner can pay off in terms of efficiency and longevity of your AC unit.

How often should clean air conditioner coils to get maximum cooling efficiency

To ensure your air conditioner operates at its maximum cooling efficiency, it’s essential to establish a regular cleaning schedule for the coils. As a general rule of thumb, homeowners should aim to clean their air conditioner coils at least once a year, preferably before the start of the cooling season. This annual cleaning helps to remove accumulated dirt, dust, and debris that can hinder the heat exchange process. However, the frequency of cleaning may vary based on environmental factors. If you live in a particularly dusty area or an environment prone to pollutants, more frequent cleaning, perhaps every six months, might be necessary. Commercial and industrial settings, where AC units often work harder, may require even more frequent cleaning, possibly on a quarterly or monthly basis. By adhering to a regular cleaning routine tailored to your specific environment, you not only ensure optimal cooling efficiency but also extend the lifespan of your HVAC system, saving you money on energy bills and potential repair costs in the long run.


Choosing the best air-conditioner coil cleaner is essential for maintaining your HVAC system’s efficiency and longevity. By understanding the different types of coil cleaners, considering important factors, and exploring top-rated products, you can make an informed decision tailored to your specific needs. Regular cleaning not only ensures a comfortable indoor environment but also contributes to energy savings and a healthier home. Invest in the right coil cleaner today and enjoy the benefits of a well-maintained air conditioning system.

Addressing Mold and Potential Health Issues with AC Gel Pucks: An Effective Solution

The outdoor AC unit compressor is installed outside the building.

Mold growth in air conditioning systems can lead to a range of health issues and affect the overall indoor air quality. It’s crucial to address this problem effectively to ensure a clean and healthy environment. In this blog, we will explore a product called AC Gel Pucks, specifically designed to tackle mold and prevent potential health risks associated with it. Let’s dive in and discover how these condensate pan cleaning tablets can provide a practical solution.

Understanding the Problem:

Mold thrives in warm and humid environments, making air conditioning systems an ideal breeding ground. As condensation occurs within the system, it accumulates in the condensate pan. Over time, this moisture creates a perfect habitat for mold growth. When left unattended, the mold can spread throughout the system, leading to air contamination and health issues such as allergies, respiratory problems, and even infections.

Introducing AC Gel Pucks

AC Gel Pucks, offered by Brodi, are specifically formulated tablets designed to combat mold growth in air conditioning systems. These tablets are placed in the condensate pan, where they dissolve slowly, releasing an effective cleaning gel. The gel’s unique properties inhibit mold growth, break down organic matter, and prevent clogs, ensuring a cleaner and healthier system.

Benefits of AC Gel Pucks:

Mold Prevention 

The primary purpose of AC Gel Pucks is to prevent mold growth in the condensate pan. By inhibiting the growth of mold, these tablets address a significant cause of indoor air pollution, promoting a healthier living environment.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

By eliminating mold and organic matter, AC Gel Pucks contribute to improved indoor air quality. Cleaner air reduces the risk of respiratory issues, allergies, and other health concerns associated with poor air quality.

Easy to Use 

AC Gel Pucks are designed for easy and hassle-free application. Simply place the tablets in the condensate pan, and they will slowly dissolve over time, continuously providing their cleaning and mold prevention benefits.

Long-Lasting Effects 

With a slow-dissolving formula, AC Gel Pucks offer long-lasting effects, providing ongoing protection against mold growth. Regular use of these tablets ensures that your air conditioning system remains clean and mold-free.

Cost-Effective Solution

Investing in AC Gel Pucks can save you money in the long run. By preventing mold growth and maintaining a cleaner system, you reduce the risk of costly repairs, maintenance, and potential health-related expenses.


Maintaining a clean and mold-free air conditioning system is essential for both the longevity of the system and the health of its occupants. AC Gel Pucks offer a practical and effective solution to combat mold growth and prevent associated health issues. By using these condensate pan cleaning tablets, you can enjoy improved indoor air quality, peace of mind, and a healthier living environment. Consider incorporating AC Gel Pucks into your regular air conditioning maintenance routine and reap the benefits of a cleaner, mold-free system.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Unclogging Your AC Condensate Drain Line


With the summer heat blazing outside, your AC unit, including the condensing unit, condensing coil, and condensing fan motor, becomes your best friend in keeping your indoor space cool and comfortable. However, an often-overlooked maintenance task is ensuring that your AC condensate drain line, pipe, tray, and even the unit’s condensate pump remain clear of any clogs. A clogged condensate drain line can cause water leakage, reduced cooling efficiency, and potential damage to your system. Fortunately, unclogging the drain line is a relatively simple task that can be done with a few basic tools and a little patience. In this blog, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to unclog a clogged AC condensate drain line and maintain a properly functioning AC unit.

Step 1: Turn Off the Power:

Before you begin any work on your air conditioning system, it’s crucial to ensure your safety. Locate your AC unit’s circuit breaker and switch off the power supply to the condensing unit and its components. This will prevent any accidental electrical shocks while working on the condensate drain line.

Step 2: Locate the AC Condensate Drain Line, Pipe, and Tray:

The AC condensate drain line is usually a PVC pipe located near the indoor air handling unit or the furnace. It is typically white or gray in color and has a T-shaped fitting with a capped end. Additionally, locate the AC condensate pipe and tray, which may be connected to the condensing unit. Familiarize yourself with these components before proceeding.

Step 3: Inspect for Clogs:

Using a flashlight, inspect the AC condensate drain line, pipe, and tray for any visible clogs. Look for accumulated debris, such as dust, dirt, algae, or mold. These can often be seen near the openings of the drain line, pipe, or inside the tray. If you can see a blockage, proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Clear the Clog in the AC Condensate Drain Line:

To clear the clog in the AC condensate drain line, you can use one of the following methods:

a. Using a Wet/Dry Vacuum: Attach the vacuum to the end of the drain line or directly over the opening. Create a tight seal around the opening to maximize suction power. Turn on the vacuum and allow it to draw out the clog and any trapped water. Repeat the process several times until the line is clear.

b. Flushing with Water: If you don’t have a wet/dry vacuum, you can try flushing the drain line with water. Use a funnel or a small container to pour a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water into the drain line. The vinegar helps dissolve the clog and inhibits future algae growth. Let the mixture sit in the line for about 30 minutes. Next, flush the line with clean water to remove the dissolved debris. Repeat this process if necessary.

Step 5: Clean the AC Condensate Tray and Components:

While the clog is removed, take the opportunity to clean the AC condensate tray and other components. Use a mixture of mild detergent and warm water to scrub away any accumulated dirt or grime. Rinse the tray thoroughly and dry it before reassembling.

Step 6: Check the AC Condensate Pump (if applicable):

If your AC unit has a condensate pump, inspect it for any clogs or malfunctions. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on how to maintain and troubleshoot the pump. Clean or repair as necessary to ensure proper functioning.

Step 7: Reassemble and Test:

Once the AC condensate drain line is clear, the tray is clean, and any issues with the condensate pump are resolved, reassemble the components. Replace the cap on the drain line and ensure it is secured tightly. Restore power to your AC unit and let it run for a while. Check for any leaks around the drain line or the condensing unit. If everything looks good, congratulations! You’ve successfully unclogged your AC condensate drain line and ensured the smooth operation of your AC unit.

Preventative Maintenance Tips:

To minimize the risk of future clogs in the AC condensate drain line and related components, consider the following preventative measures:

Regularly inspect and clean your air filters to prevent dust and debris buildup. Keep the area around the condensate drain line, pipe, tray, and condensing unit clear of any obstructions.

Use a condensate drain line cleaning solution periodically to inhibit algae and mold growth.

Schedule annual professional maintenance for your AC unit, including a thorough inspection of the condensing unit and its components.

To really take care of the situation, try out Brodi’s AC Gel Pucks for maximum treatment. Our industrial grade product prevents slime, sludge and fungus accumulation which can lead to bacteria growth, potentially causing infections.

By following these steps and practicing preventative maintenance, you can keep your AC unit and its condensate system running smoothly throughout the summer months, ensuring optimal cooling efficiency and avoiding potential issues down the road.

Get to the Root Cause of Stained Ceiling Tiles with these 7 Maintenance Tips

Renew-Stained Ceiling Tiles-Small

Water stains on ceilings and discolored acoustical ceiling tiles are often indicative of underlying HVAC issues. While treating the symptoms may provide temporary relief, it is essential to fix the root cause of the problem for a long-term solution. Brodi’s HVAC Starter Pack offers a comprehensive set of resources, equipment, and guidance to help you identify and address the root cause of water stains and prevent further damage.

By following the steps outlined here, which include identifying the source of the problem, repairing or replacing faulty equipment, implementing proper maintenance practices, and utilizing advanced leak detection and prevention tools, you can effectively tackle water-related issues in your facility.

Don’t let water stains on your ceilings be a persistent headache. Embrace Brodi’s HVAC solutions and take control of your facility’s environment. With their expertise and comprehensive offerings, you can fix the root cause of the problem and enjoy a well-maintained and water-stain-free facility.

Fix the root cause of the issue,
rather than just treat the symptoms.

Brodi offers some unique and easy-to-use HVAC solutions to tackle the root of these issues. Check our HVAC Starter Pack, it comes with everything you need to keep your facility running smoothly.

Step 1 – Eliminate sludge buildup in AC condensate pans

AC Gel Pucks (3 oz size) Prevent the buildup of slime, sludge and fungus in your air conditioning unit’s drain line. The pucks dissolve slowly releasing a cleaning agent that removes debris and prevents clogs, maintaining the unit’s efficiency. Prevent system shutdowns, condensation leaks and water damage.

Mini AC Gel Tabs

Mini AC Gel Pucks

These economical-sized 1 oz tabs are great for heat pumps or smaller units.

Step 2 – Unblock your condensate pan drain lines.

MircroFlo, the only product on the market specifically designed to clean condensate drains. It utilizes the water in the drain as a hydraulic ram and doesn’t rely on air pressure or chemicals, providing instant drain opening. Portable and easy to use. For 3/8″ to 7/8″ drains. Focuses on the blockage and won’t shoot up vent pipes. Safe to use, contains no CFCs, acids, or caustics.

Step 3 – Seal any leaks in your condensate pans

Fix A Leak quickly fix leaks with this durable rubberized coating spray. Creates a waterproof, flexible, permanent rubber coating. Can be applied to any surface. Stops leaks and prevents rust and corrosion. Fast drying and will not crack or peel. Use on HVAC condensate pans, PVC drains, gutters, ducting, roofs, flashing, sheds and cement cracks

Step 4 – Fix any cracks on your condensate pans or pipes

Brofix is specially designed to bond to and imitate the properties of copper pipes. Hardens in 5 to 10 minutes and can be tapped, screwed, drilled, sanded, sawed, filed or painted. Permanently repair your cracked copper pipes quickly. 

Step 5 – Stop your pipes from sweating.

Pipewrap – Keep pipes from sweating with our spray-on insulating coating. It dries to a clean, flexible, white finish and adheres to various pipe materials, including stainless steel and PVC. You can use it on cold water pipes, refrigeration lines, valves, and more. The water-resistant coating prevents damage caused by dripping water, making it a must-have for any building. Great for preventing stained ceiling tiles.

Step 6 – Clean your AC and Heat Exchange coils.

Coilean – Say goodbye to harsh vapors and hello to a fresh natural scent as you clean your coils with this water-based foaming spray. Bio-enzymatic action tackles mold and fungus for a deep clean. You can either rinse it off with water or let it be for a hands-free clean. The normal condensation will then rinse away the foam, taking grime and build-up with it!Coilean – Say goodbye to harsh vapors and hello to a fresh natural scent as you clean your coils with this water-based foaming spray. Bio-enzymatic action tackles mold and fungus for a deep clean. You can either rinse it off with water or let it be for a hands-free clean. The normal condensation will then rinse away the foam, taking grime and build-up with it!

Step 7 – Repair your acoustical ceiling tiles.

Renew – Don’t ever use paint to try to get rid of those unsightly stains on your ceiling tiles! Why can’t I use my trusty can of white spray paint instead? Because paint is flammable and also fills in those little holes in the tiles that make them acoustically sound in the first place. This durable white spray-on coating covers unsightly ceiling tile stains caused by water damage, smoke and soil discoloration.

Introducing the Brodi
HVAC Starter Pack

All the products you need to keep your HVAC systems in top condition