All posts by Brad

Choosing the right dental impressions material

Denture, made of dental impression plaster

First impressions last, and nowhere is that truer than in dentistry. After all, without the ability to take an accurate and stable replica of the patient’s teeth and soft tissue, it’s almost impossible to get a well-fitting prosthesis or restoration. Dental impressions are used to make anything that fits over or replaces teeth – from mouth guards and braces to crowns and veneers.

A lot of the success of an impression comes down to the materials that are used for the job. One area that people may find challenging is that there is the hope one material can address every specific need.

But is that the right material for the job?

When it comes to taking a dental impression, there are several ideal characteristics of the materials. They need to be both non-toxic and non-irritant, with a reasonable set time and no unpleasant taste for the patient. It should be accurate in terms of how it correctly reproduces the surface and its stability.

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Drain Keeps Clogging From Plaster? Install a Plaster Trap, ASAP

a plaster trap used under a sink in a trauma room of a hospital, as well as used for dental office and dental labs
A plaster trap under a sink in the trauma room of an hospital | Reddit

Plaster has a funny way of seeping into every corner and crevice, including your plumbing. If flushed down the drain, this adhesive (and hardening) substance, over time, can build-up in your pipework. Initially, this can just cause drains to flow a bit slower than usual. But, eventually, enough plaster can build up and completely seize the drain.

Whenever this does happen, unclogging a plaster blocked drain can be a costly, time-consuming task, in some cases requiring new plumbing. However, there’s a simple solution to stopping this from happening: Install a plaster trap.

Keen on learning more? Let’s dive into more.

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How to protect surfaces from salt water corrosion after the ice melts

excessive salt after snow and ice melting

Winter weather is harsh, but it’s not just the cold that you need to look out for. With the onslaught of snow and ice also comes other dangers that can remain even after the ice has melted away. If you’re a homeowner or a business owner, then protecting your property is likely a top priority. Unfortunately, winter can cause serious damage to some of your most expensive possessions including your vehicles or home.

However, by adopting a solid plan for protecting your home, vehicles and business equipment in the winter, you can save yourself the need for many costly repairs. In this article, we’ll be talking about ways that you can stop winter corrosion and other damage in its tracks.

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Removing hard packed snow and ice with a cost effective liquid de-icer

Snow and ice builds up on entrance, sidewalks and driveways around buildings

Winter can be a magical time. Children playing in the snow, families reuniting over the holidays, friends gathering around cozy fireplaces. Of course, along with the colder temperatures comes the sometimes perilous and unpredictable winter weather and piles of snow and ice that never seem to disappear.

If you own a residential property or manage a commercial property, you know how important and difficult it is to keep walkways, entranceways, driveways and sidewalks clear and safe in these conditions. With so many options for granular and liquid de-icers on the market, what’s the best way to remove hard-packed snow and ice?

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When urinal odors start building up, what do you do?

urinal is out of order, odor and slow running

So your business is having trouble with smelly urinals. Smelly urinals certainly are a lot of trouble, a messy and stinky bathroom means that customers will be uncomfortable, which we can all agree is not the vibe you want for your business. Especially in the restaurant industry, bad smelling urinals can be a killer to your mood, your atmosphere and your customer’s outlook on your place. Is there a way to quickly and efficiently destroy urinal odors? Yes, there is, and we’ll discuss it today.

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How to Eliminate Drain Odors and Sewer Smells

Preventing sewer smell, sanitary sump pit

So you’ve got sewer smells emanating from somewhere in your business’ location. These awful smells, like many others, are bad for business, especially if you’re in the restaurant industry. A bad smelling restaurant can mean that customers will lose their appetites and by extension, you’ll lose business. However, awful smells are bad for any business in general, so are there any ways we can eliminate and possibly prevent those odors? Yes, there are, but let’s explore why we get those odors first.

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Are there pipes leaking or surfaces cracking, looking for emergency repair?

Are there pipes leaking or surfaces cracking?

Leaks and cracks can be devastating to any business. Leaks and cracks mean that your roof and pipes aren’t working properly and can mean many awful things for any business. Water damage, flooding, and chaos, in general, are all in store for businesses who leave leaks and cracks on pipes or roofs unchecked. But is there a way for businesses to fix leaks and cracks efficiently and quickly? Yes, there is, but you’ll have to read on to find out how.

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